
Hi, welcome to my website. Sorry if you expected something too fancy, this is just a small blog space for me to post about my interests. I wish you a good time reading this blog!

About Me

I'm Kate, i go by she/her, my birthday is on the 18th of June, i like computers, vocaloid, coding, GregTech and hanging out with amazing people out there. My hobbies focus more on coding, playing and having social interactions.   Oh, and speaking of vocaloid, i must tell you to click on that player on the right of this text to experience this audiovisual piece of media i find to be really nice to consume.


Feel free to directly messame me through Discord, even though i might take a while to reply depending on what i'm doing at the moment. Also, take a look at this post about how i made this website, why not!
Now that you have finished reading the main page, why don't you read some posts? Or even, what i'm currently playing? Anyways, i appreciate your effort into reading this, so have a good day.
I hope you're still there, kolly. | source